Please prayerfully consider sponsoring this year’s event and help us to unite the prayers and sacrifices of all who love and serve our Blessed Lord for the sake of our world and future generations.
May the Lord bless you!
Tuesday, Oct 4th
My Journey from Childhood Abuse and Drug Addiction to Conversion, Healing,
and the Priesthood
Monday, Oct 3rd
Waking People Up From Spiritual Sleep: A Physician’s Testimony of Faith
Tuesday, Oct 4th
The Christian Militant: Supernaturally Armed and Dangerous
Tuesday, Oct 4th
The Role of Mary and the Rosary in Spiritual Warfare: Lessons from the Exorcism Ministry
Wednesday, Oct 5th
How the Death of My Wife and Infant Daughter Led Me to The Divine Mercy,
the Blessed Mother, and the Priesthood
Wednesday, Oct 5th
How the Precious Blood Devotion Can Protect Your Family and Heal the Church
Wednesday, Oct 5th
What is Necessary to Survive and Thrive During These Critical Times
Wednesday, Oct 5th
Lessons from My Life-After Death Experience: My Visit to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory
Join a community of prayer warriors and stand in the breach in this time of crisis!
The International Week of Prayer & Fasting is a global movement focused on converting the world, saving families, and restoring the culture by answering Heaven’s call for prayer, fasting and conversion.