Once a New Age feminist, Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, is now a Third Order Carmelite, a Catholic apologist and speaker, and an award-winning journalist and author. She serves as Director of Communications and New Age Research for Women of Grace and is a frequent guest on EWTN.
Susan is a co-founder of The Catholic Life Institute (CLI), a lay-run apostolate devoted to infusing the world with the truth and splendor of the Catholic mystical tradition as revealed by the Carmelite saints and Doctors of the Church. To introduce Carmelite spirituality and authentic Catholic contemplation to the faithful, Susan serves as author, presenter, and retreat director for the Institute’s programs (both in-person and online). These include courses on Teresian prayer, the interior life, the Little Way of Spiritual Childhood as taught by St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and spiritual warfare.
Susan has authored 11 books, including her most recent publications, Fight Like a Catholic: Spiritual Warfare in the Catholic Tradition; and Day by Day in the Little Way: 365 Reflections on the Teachings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
Visit www.CatholicLifeInstitute.org for more information.