

The Power of the Rosary

You and I must pray and fast if there is to be hope for the future. Our Blessed Mother has said, ” PRAYER possesses a potent force and starts a chain reaction for good that is far more powerful than any ATOMIC REACTION.”

We have seen amazing signs of the fulfillment of our Blessed Mother’s promises about the power of prayer – especially the Rosary. There have been many battles won in history through the power of the Rosary.

The Rosary is the weapon for these times. ~ St. Padre Pio

Our Blessed Mother has said:

“…the Rosary is my Power…It is the weapon which you must make use of in these times of the Great Battle….” It is the chain with which she promises to bind Satan. “Every Rosary which you recite with me has the effect of restricting the action of the Evil One, of drawing souls away from his pernicious influence,” …” and of expanding goodness in my children.”

Our Lady has shown us that the Rosary can stop wars. In fact, Our Blessed Mother has said that, “we can do more in one day of intense prayer, than years of discussion.” Are we listening? Can we, her children, help Our Lady, mount a massive worldwide prayer and fasting campaign and include Masses of Reparation? Of course we can!

If we don’t deal with the arrogance and moral sins of mankind, especially sins of the flesh, many believe our days are numbered. Civilizations that have not repented from such moral decline have been destroyed by plagues, catastrophes, or wars – ie. the Roman Empire, the time of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah…. In the Old Testament, Nineveh was spared because they prayed, fasted and repented.

Our Blessed Mother has told us that prayer and fasting stops wars and natural catastrophes.

The Rosary as the Weapon for Peace

“Say the Rosary every day to obtain world peace and an end to war.”
~Our Lady of Fatima, 5/13/1917

“Would you like me to tell you a ‘secret’? It is simple, and after all, is no secret: Pray, pray much. Say the Rosary every day.”
St. Pope John Paul the Great

“A world at prayer is a world at peace.”
Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.

“The Rosary is the most beautiful and richest of all prayers to the Mediatrix of all grace; it is the prayer that touches most the heart of the Mother of God. Say it each day.”
Pope St. Pius X

“To turn the evil in America, a tithe of Rosaries should be offered to God. If 10% of Catholics in the United States would pledge to join the Rosary Crusade, satanic evil would be crushed in our nation.”
Father Albert Shamon

“Pray and let the Rosary always be in your hands as a sign to Satan that you belong to me.”
Our Lady to St. Simon Stock

For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Recommended Prayers and Devotions

Suggested novena for the weekMary Undoer of Knots for conversion of hearts and lives of all God’s Children and/or Divine Mercy Novena.

A Powerful Prayer to The Lady of All Nations to bring true peace to the world!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.

View this prayer on the web

Holy Hour Program for Our Nation (reduce and print on legal size paper)

Prayer to defeat the work of Satan

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Chaplet of St. Michael

“Certain evil spirits can only be driven out by prayer and fasting.” ~ Mark 9:29

A great way to join together in prayer is through devotions and litanies — special prayers to a certain saint, or for a particular intention. Below are some useful prayers and litanies for you to consider:

Suggested novena for the weekNovena to Our Lady of America for True Change and Hope for America and/or Divine Mercy Novena

Suggested novena for the 2nd weekNovena to the Holy Family

Novena to Our Lady Undoer of KnotsUnfailing Novena To The Virgin Mary Untier of Knots 

Novena and Prayer to Our Lady of All Nations

Holy Hour Program for Our Nation (reduce and print on Legal size paper)

Auxilium Christianorum Prayers – Spiritual warfare prayers for each day of the week.

Quotes on the importance of life

Prayer Before An Election

An Election Prayer to Mary

Litany of St. Joseph

Litany of the Saints

Litany of St. Philomena

Litany of St. John Vianney

Litany for the Conversion of America

Chaplet of St. Michael

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

St. Patrick’s Lorica and for Protection for our President

Humility and Humble Souls from the Diary of Sister Faustina

Devotion to the Precious Blood

St. Faustina’s life of Intercessory Prayer

The Mercy Saint’s Secret

Our Lady’s Rosary for the Conversion of the U.S.

Pray for the Conversion and Total Disablement of Militant Jihadists

Prayer to defeat the work of Satan

Prayer to save a baby from abortion

Novena to St. Philomena

Prayer to the Infant of Prague

Pro-Life Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary

St. Michael Prayer

Stations of the Cross

The Angel with the Key and Chain

The Forgiveness Prayer

The Holy Angels Our Helpers

The Magnificat

The Rosary is an Immense Chain of Love and Salvation Which Binds Satan

The Rosary is the Solution to All Problems

Thirty Days’ Prayer to St. Joseph

What will convert America and save the world?

Words spoken for priests from the Diary of St. Faustina

Suggested novena for the weekMary Undoer of Knots for conversion of hearts and lives of all God’s Children and/or Divine Mercy Novena.

A Powerful Prayer to The Lady of All Nations to bring true peace to the world!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.

View this prayer on the web

Holy Hour Program for Our Nation (reduce and print on legal size paper)

Prayer to defeat the work of Satan

Spiritual Warfare Prayer

Chaplet of St. Michael

O Holy Angels of God, here, in the presence of the Triune God and in the love of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer, I, N.N., poor sinner, want to make a covenant with you, who are his servants, so that in union with you, I might work with humility and fortitude for the glory of God and the coming of his Kingdom.

Therefore, I implore you to assist me, especially – in the adoration of God and of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar,  – in the contemplation of the word and the salvific works of God, -in the imitation of Christ and in the love of his Cross in a spirit of expiation, – in the faithful fulfillment of my mission within the Church, serving humbly after the example of Mary, my heavenly Mother, your Queen. And you, my good guardian angel, who continually behold the face of our Father in heaven, God entrusted me to you from the very beginning of my life. I thank you with all my heart for your loving care. I commit myself to you and promise you my love and fidelity. I beg you: protect me against my own weakness and against the attacks of the wicked spirits; enlighten my mind and my heart so that I may always know and accomplish the will of God; and lead me to union with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Thee I consecrate and offer up my person and my life, my actions, trials, and sufferings, that my entire being may henceforth only be employed in loving, honoring and glorifying Thee. This is my irrevocable will, to belong entirely to Thee, and to do all for Thy love, renouncing with my whole heart all that can displease Thee.

I take Thee, O Sacred Heart, for the sole object of my love, the protection of my life, the pledge of my salvation, the remedy of my frailty and inconstancy, the reparation for all the defects of my life, and my secure refuge at the hour of my death. Be Thou, O Most Merciful Heart, my justification before God Thy Father, and screen me from His anger which I have so justly merited. I fear all from my own weakness and malice, but placing my entire confidence in Thee, O Heart of Love, I hope all from Thine infinite Goodness. Annihilate in me all that can displease or resist Thee. Imprint Thy pure love so deeply in my heart that I may never forget Thee or be separated from Thee.
I beseech Thee, through Thine infinite Goodness, grant that my name be engraved upon Thy Heart, for in this I place all my happiness and all my glory, to live and to die as one of Thy devoted servants.


Conscious, merciful Savior, of my nothingness and of Thy sublimity, I cast myself at Thy feet and thank Thee for the many proofs of Thy grace shown unto me, Thy ungrateful creature. I thank Thee especially for delivering me by Thy Precious Blood from the destructive power of Satan. In the presence of my dear Mother Mary, my guardian angel, my patron saint, and of the whole company of heaven, I dedicate myself voluntarily with a sincere heart, O dearest Jesus, to Thy Precious Blood, by which Thou hast redeemed the world from sin, death and hell.

I promise Thee, with the help of Thy grace and to the utmost of my strength to stir up and foster devotion to Thy Precious Blood, the price of our redemption, so that Thy adorable Blood may be honored and glorified by all. In this way, I wish to make reparation for my disloyalty towards Thy Precious Blood of love, and to make satisfaction to Thee for the many profanations which men commit against that precious price of their salvation. O would that my own sins, my coldness, and all the acts of disrespect I have ever committed against Thee, O Holy Precious Blood, could be undone. Behold, O dearest Jesus, I offer to Thee the love, honor and adoration, which Thy most Holy Mother, Thy faithful disciples and all the saints have offered to Thy Precious Blood. I ask Thee to forget my earlier faithlessness and coldness, and to forgive all who offend Thee. Sprinkle me, O Divine Savior, and all men with Thy Precious Blood, so that we, O Crucified Love, may love Thee from now on with all our hearts and worthily honor the price of our salvation.

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God; despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

For All Benefactors of this Devotion 
Our Father*…Hail Mary*…Glory Be*…